Submissions: OPEN for Chthonic Lit: Volume I Issue I.
Chthonic Lit focuses on the blurred line between genre fiction and literary fiction, with a particular emphasis on short speculative fiction. Poetry, artwork, essays, and other creative works are welcome but will have less space available as this is primarily a short story collection. The more unique and boundary-pushing, the better!
We are a biannual publication. Submissions will be open from January-end of April (with publication in June) and July-end of October (with publication in December) each calendar year.
We only take submissions for the current issue. Please don’t send anything if we are not accepting submissions. You can always reach out to us by email if you have any questions. We are happy to collaborate and hear your thoughts.
As we transition over from Salt & Citrus, we will still be using the same email: and instagram @salt_citrus
We are in the process of transitioning to using Moksha or Submittable for submissions—stay tuned for updates.
For now, please send your submissions to with the subject line CHTHONIC LIT ISSUE I: [submission genre]. Do not put your name in the document that you’re submitting, please! Instead, in your email please use the name you would like to be credited under, the title of the piece, the genre, and word count. Please send the piece as a pdf or a .docx. Thank you!
What we look for in submissions:
Speculative fiction, poetry, prose, visual art, essays, memories, reviews, interviews, and experimental pieces that explore the uncanny, the unsettling, and the blurred line between the real and the surreal. We want to dig deep into the soil, the marrow, the grit of your work.
Please be respectful. If we feel your piece fits the theme and compliments other submissions, we will do our best to include it. That being said, we can only accept a certain amount of submissions.
Simultaneous submissions are allowed but if your piece is accepted elsewhere please immediately contact us and withdraw your submission.
Short Fiction:
Word count: 500-5,000 words. Preference will be given to stories between 1,000 and 2,500 words due to space constraints.
Up to three poems per submission.
have each new poem start on a new page
Please indicate if the poems are part of a set or standalone.
Essays/Creative Nonfiction/Interviews:
One piece per submission.
Max. 2,500 words.
Visual Art:
High-resolution images in PNG or JPEG format.
Include a brief description or artist’s statement.
One per submission.
Max. 1,200 words.
If your work doesn’t fit into these categories, we’re open to exploring it with you. No strict guidelines—let’s discuss!
Below you may find the contributor agreement that will be emailed if your piece is accepted.
Thank you for choosing to contribute to Chthonic Lit. This document outlines the terms of publication, rights, and responsibilities between the contributor ("Author") and Chthonic Lit ("Publisher"). Please read carefully.
1. Grant of Rights
The Author grants Chthonic Lit the following rights to their work:
First Serial Rights: Chthonic Lit retains exclusive rights to publish the work for a period of three (3) months from the date of publication. During this time, the Author agrees not to republish or resell the work in any format.
Archiving Rights: After the exclusivity period, the work will remain archived on the Chthonic Lit website as part of the published issue. This right is non-exclusive, and the Author retains the ability to republish their work elsewhere.
2. Reversion of Rights
After the three-month exclusivity period, all rights revert to the Author. Chthonic Lit retains only the right to archive the work on its website as specified above.
3. Editorial Process
The Author agrees to collaborate with an assigned editor to refine their work for publication. This process may involve:
Minor edits for grammar, clarity, and style.
Substantive revisions as discussed with the Author. No significant changes will be made without the Author's approval.
4. Payment and Contributor Copies
Chthonic Lit currently operates with minimal funding. At this time, we are unable to guarantee payment for submissions. Should funding become available in the future, contributors will be informed.
Each contributor will receive one (1) free copy of the issue in which their work appears.
Payment policies may be revisited, and any changes will be communicated transparently to contributors.
5. Sales and Profits
Currently, all profits generated from sales of Chthonic Lit issues will go toward covering operational costs, including printing, website maintenance, and related expenses necessary to keep the zine running.
If larger profits are made in the future, Chthonic Lit will aim to compensate contributors or will discuss alternative uses of funds transparently with contributors.
For printed issues, there is no set timeline for when sales will stop. Copies will continue to be sold until all printed stock is depleted, regardless of the three-month exclusivity period.
6. Author Credit
The Author will be credited by their preferred name or pseudonym as specified upon acceptance of their work.
7. Termination
In the event of unforeseen circumstances or disputes, either party may terminate this agreement prior to publication. Any work not yet published remains the sole property of the Author.
8. Agreement to Terms
By replying to the acceptance email with a statement of agreement, the Author acknowledges that they understand and agree to the terms outlined above. This email confirmation is binding as of the date of acceptance of the Author’s work.